the sand tortoise we made :D

contributors of this cute tortoise.

tortoise junhao!

during the skyride.1

during the skyride.2

safety helmets for luge ride!

concentrate on the middle girl!
puffer fish?
shuai okay.
future life guard. (:
this seat is only for me!
i love the seaaaaaaa. :D
smile (:
okay, i don't know what we're doing.

speak no evil ; see no evil ; hear no evil.

retarded faces!
"they don't want to share secrets with me."
thougt jiaxin.
err, random?
close-in shot of the couples-to-be.
full view shot of the future-couple.
lo-man-ti-ca de lah!
this is not a group photo.
meisian and i zilian-ing.
kisses her feeeet. HAHAHA!
supermodellllllllll <3
meisian is short for once! :)
just twist only. ^^v
uhm, acting emo?
junhao can jump real high!
okay, that's the saturday sentosa trip! no need so much talking uh. it was awesomely enjoyable. uhm, the picture says it all yah (: a pity there's no group photo....