Wednesday, September 17, 2008

renjing's birthday!

our actual show.

the cute show later!

today was renjing's birthday! hoho, we went to angmokio to eat mos burger followed by catching a movie. initially, we were supposed to watch bangkok dangerous suggested by andy which everyone agreed and we bought the movie tickets, ignoring the fact that is was a NC16 movie.
there is still time so we decided on having lunch, mos burger! billy, junhao, andy and jacqueline never eat ._. renjing bought a teriyaki chicken burger for himself, a large fries for shouliang, an apple pie for me and a large drink for the 3 of us to share. uhm, in the end we shared all the food among ourselves and offered some to the other 4. went to buy subway cookies to sneak into the cinema! haha, we were all late for the movie anyway.
arrived at the cinema counter which shouliang gave the usher the tickets. that usher requested for our ICs! GRR, i have my ic, but im under age ._. shouliang's birthday haven't over, so still counted as 15. the only 2 that's allowed to pass was andy and billy. how unlucky! the usher then suggests us to change to another movie, which we chose wall-e as the movie time was the closest and earliest there. THE MOVIE WAS SPLENDID! it was soooooo touching lah! hahaha.

went to the toilet, talked awhile and all of us go our separate ways-it was 7pm+-so im now here blogging! happy birthday once more, renjing! :D okay, i go shower le.

EXTRAS : junhao today say 'no!' to me when i asked him to take my bag! ROAR, and im here posting about him! shouliang.. i forgot what he did but it was certainly something horrible! oh yah, not including that he sent me the pictures lah. hahaha. :D