Thursday, September 18, 2008

lost and found?


i lost my red handphone pouch today! it is the kind of zip-zip pouch that consist
of 2 components. it looks something like the brown pouch below, except that it is
purely red lah. and beside, there is this one piece's nami figurine on it! looks
something like the picture there, except that it is shorter and has a string attatch
to it on the top of her head for hanging purposes.
i lost it on bus 315 when i'm on
my way to school! :( if anyone saw it, please return it to me or give it to the
serangoon's bus interchange service counter! i will go there and see the 'lost & found''s box everyday.

today.. no mood to blog le. nothing special happen either. i just miss my red pouch and my nami :( it contained memories alright. hope i can find it real soon..