Sunday, September 21, 2008

mugging day!

xue er is the one in pink! oh, my
baby sister is super cute too (:

hahaha! i mugged today with xue er at starbucks, shaw tower. uhm, we really did mugged with our butts stuck to the chair for like 2 hours plus. heh, just put on our plugs and studied. the whole process was enjoyable and i really love studying with this retarded girl :D

initially, i was supposed to have this study outing with elton, jacqueling, sokhong, dekai, xiongwei and seanat the central library near bugis. but then i was late and didnt feel like going with them, afraid that they will play around and waste my mugging time ._. oops? cause 7 people including me, quite a big group yah? sorry guys :(

oh! and i felt nerd wearing my cool pink specs carrying a haversack! haha, with my white FBT, a blue tee and flip flops. got a little bit of this "pjyamus" feel 有没有? hee. okay. papa want off modem le! so gotta sleep! byeee, goodnight (: