Saturday, November 27, 2010

Belated Fourth Monthsary!

hello world!

Five days ago marks our fouth monthsary and we went dating. *Wink. Hubby Hea, I'm sorry I didn't post this entry on time! Didn't really have the time since I was working, but here it is, as promised! Err, this post is dedicated to him, of course.

You may get diabetes. Proceed if you're not afraid.

Nehneh, this entry was supposed to be a surprise lo! But he went through my folders in my lappy and saw the pictures. Still, he demanded for this entry. I guess seeing all these makes him :) !

Okay, all these aside, as I was saying....

 This is my boyfriend, when he was waaaaaaay much younger!

 Want to see how he looked like when he was in his lower secondary years? You sure, you really want to see?!

 This photo never fails to bring a smile to my face. :D

He's so scrawny and......... little! HAHAHAHAH. Like a kawaii only.

Alright alright, enough of the mocking.

 Anyway, my boyfriend is the best of the best, EVER. He's been trying to make me happy everytime, and he'll really do ANYTHING just to see my smile. He likes this smile especially.


But there's this particular smile he likes best. And he always trick me to something I'll be excited at, like maybe, "want to go roller blading?" just for that idiotic smile! Pffft.

However, I love him, like really. I don't know what is it about him that attracts me to him. It's like he's the North of the magnet and I'm South. It's like he's the anemone and I'm the clownfish. It's like he's the fork and I'm the spoon. Aye, you get what I mean lah!

And as this title was saying, we went out dating on our fourth monthsary! He was super duper sweet! He managed to surprised me lo! And little can actually surprise me okay. He came to fetch me @ my house's void deck. But being a tardy queen........ ya' know.... I went down late. The next thing I saw was Hubby Hea, holding one helium balloon with the words, "I love you" on one hand, and three stalks of daisies on the other.

I remembered before our fourth monthsary, I've told him DIRECTLY (not hint, nor indirectly) that I liked flowers and even receiving ONE stalk would bring a smile to my face. But for days, my anticipation flew right into the dustbin and gradually, my hopes of receiving a stalk of flower faded. I thought he'd come empty-handed lo! Cause he's not Romantic Romeo type of guy.

I don't know why got one red daisy, so extra!

Helium balloon!

So I was like, the limelight of the day. Cause everyone stared at my flying balloon everywhere I went. And yes, I like attention to be showered on me. I'm high maintenance!

So Hubby Hea brought me to Crystal Jade for lunch. Headed to Bishan's branch. I didn't eat Crystal Jade before neh! First time, so was kinda excited!

He says Chinese Restaurant must drink tea. -.- I ordered Barley instead!

This Sichuan Spicy Soup tastes like Shark Fin!!!!! Yums!

Large prawns covered with Almonds + Wasabi sauce.
Didn't really like the almonds. I prefer Cereal Prawns!

Hugeass wantons.
Okay only. The meat is like, barely there. LOL.

"See! They so stingy!"


I just love Seafood. This is a heavenliciously delicious delicacy!

Hubby Hea eating very cheena-ly. Now you know why I gained weight!

Take up bowl and scoop those rice with chopstick! I remembered when I was young like, around Primary 4? Papa brought me to the foodcourt @ Toa Payoh. I ordered Japanese stuff then I ate the same way as Hubby Hea. A couple who was sitting beside me then started to laugh at me. -.- At that point of time, I was alone cause Papa went to the Popular or something. From that very day onwards, I told myself not to eat this way, ever again.

"I want to be a Fairy Princess too!" shows jealous face.

Saw this Princess thingy displaced outside J8. I like this fairy costume!

Took off to Marina Square for KBox. But we booked 6pm-9pm. Meanwhile, we walked around and played Arcade! LOL. Played the Mishi Bashi thingy, as well as the upgraded version. I LOVE THE BASHY GAME!!! Oh, and we played House of the Dead 4. This time, I didn't scream!!

Random shot.

Oh yah oh yah! 2 days before our fourth monthsary, Hubby Hea gave me the shirt I wanted!! Cause I was looking for couple-tees on Blogshops, but didn't find any to my liking. So I went to Punkstar @ AMK Hub, and saw this very cute monkey dressing like Lin DaLang from Hi, My Sweetheart! Though it's Punkstar, but I liked the picture! As I was saying... we wore that shirt on that day, duh.

6pm came by quickly. Was surprised to see this touch screen machine on KBox! All these K-s normally have remote controls to select the songs you wanna sing mah. But then KBox upgraded! You can now choose songs just by your fingers, like iPhone! Veleh de cool!!

More camwhore shots.

" :O "


Mimicking Ah-lians. LOL. FAIL.

Colourful nails! (Y)


" :/ "



"Xavier and Dolly sitting on the tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" LOL.

Oki, that's the end of our dating.

The below paragraphs are especially written for Hubby Hea. So if you didn't get diabetes the first round, you might now!

Click "x" now, if you don't wanna get goosebumps!

                 Hi Baby Hea! :D

Though you're incredibly violent, amazingly hot-tempered and wonderfully ugly like this...

and can get quite obscene at times, like this...

You are still the most handsome guy in my eyes!

Though this sounds cheesy, but I'm still gonna say it. You are so bright and striking that other people I see are all monotone, and you're the only colourful soul that stands out.

Like, THIS! :D

He looks so niang here lo! He got girl/angmoh face eh. Like mixed blood or something.

In addition, though you make me cry and teases me, you provide me this type of protection that I'm only me when I'm with you. It's like, when you're in range, I'm in my comfort zone kinda thing.

Evil idiot! Always act tough on me. >:(

Yet goofy at the same time!

We're both sociable and extroverts. Together, we're a noisy and retarded couple! We have tonnes to talk about and never seems to run out of things to talk about. We fool and play around and that makes our relationship all the more interesting and less mundane! :)

And Baby. You know that you may be all cool at times, but I know you're actually faking it! Cause the real you is not the quiet, cool type! In fact, you're the total contrast of "cool".

Like, "Hmpfht" smugs Baby Hea, which then roll eyes. LOL.

Okay lah, to be fair to you. Thanks for teaching me alot of things and correcting me when I'm in the wrong, even when you know I might cry when you scold me or something. Thanks for tolerating my nonsense when my angy is about to come, and when I'm always late. Thanks for showing, and making me feel like I'm a precious little gem. Thanks for treating me like a Princess. Thanks for doing surprises and romantic things, just for me. Thanks, for wanting to walk this road with me.

Your awesomeness is just, beyond description!



Baby Hea,

I love you.
