Thursday, August 12, 2010

Start of something new.

It's been ages since I've last posted! So boring. I'm getting used to living at Geylang Serai already. Anyway, it's Hari Raya and Geylang Serai has got Pasar Malam! It's FREAKING HUUUUUGE, the BIGGEST Pasar Malam I have ever seen and know can! And it lasts for one whole month!!!!

Uhm, school's awesome.
Friend's awesome.
Lynn's awesome.
My family's awesome.
Wenwen's awesome.
Study, is so not awesome. 


I have to catch up on my E.maths, Chemistry and POA. Sigh :/ Anyway, Hongjin and I counted the days till our O's and it's only a short 47 days! Piang, thought I've got 2 months left lo. Cannot slack le nah~

I hope Vanessa Tam Mei Jun would study too! At least enter a poly. Ting dao mah, Vanessa!
I'm aiming for Maritime Business in Singapore Poly. Last year's cut off point was a retarded 17 ._. Hopefully I can get a 15! LOL.

Well, aim for the moon what. At least if you fall, you land among the stars, right! Oki, gambatte! :D

Ooooh, and then right. I learnt something today. It's called "Yang-oh", which means, likes to be adored/loved. Don't know which dialect it is though. Cooool~ I think I'm yang-oh! Cause I like people to sayang meeeeee, like a chihuahuaaaa. HAHAHAH.

Oh oh! And I made a new friend. Her name is Serene Ang. Got to know her through Vanessa. She's sooo cute can! And I made her laugh maximum. I think I'm a clown. Just that I don't have a red noseeee.

Oki, I like people to bb me from behind.

Gotta go~ Needa study le.