Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Sloth :(

Yikes! I missed my run due to sloth! :/

Was supposed to meet them @ 10am plus for some running but I was sleeping like some pig..... I need to have discipline man! Be it studies, running or eating. HAHAH.

So I stayed @ home the whole day today and rot in front of the computer. Wenwen later introduced me this song called Wedding Dress by some Korean guy and challenged me to learn the introduction of that song. Learnt it in a jiffy. Was quite easy and pretty cool too!

Learnt through this video.


I'm feeling like some slugger man. Everytime I say this but do otherwise. Really NEED to stop all these procrastination. It's starting to irritate me, HAHAH. I'll go jogging with Wenwen someday again!

Uhm, some thoughts to bring a smile to my face.


They make me happy. :D

And Genting trip! Though I always go there and it's not some unique place, I hadn't been overseas with my family for quite some time already. And last time when we go Genting, I'm like so young lah! So boring, cannot do anything with parents around. Now it's different! But Korkor is not going! :( He's got work. AWW. If not, we can go nom on some fooooood. <3

Hope this trip will bond this family closer!

That's all for today, yuppyupp.