Friday, April 9, 2010


Captured this beautiful morning sky as I looked out of my window and preparing for school.


POD was really really reaaaaaally awesome today. Hong Guo shared and went in depth with me on the book of John, and we discussed about dating, comparing God's way and Man's way. COOL MAX! We both agreed that it is the best to remain single in this age. Hahah! :D

I likey likey, when the topic we talked is about God, regardless of who. And I finally found someone in my school that shared the same passion and love that I had! What a great joy, it really comforts my heart alot and tells me that I am not alone! :)

Anyway, I wanna share with you about dating and relationships that I've learnt so far.

In 1st John 4:8,
"Whoever does not love does not love God, for God is love."

The point is, no inequalities!
Why? Cause how can a man that do not know God, know how to love? Only a man that knows God, knows how to love. And since the man does not know God, he therefore does not know love. So how can one be together with him/her? 

Oki, here's an example.
If I do not have H1N1, how do I pass to people? I must have H1N1, then can I pass this illness to people right? So it's the same. How can a man that does not know God, does not know how to love, love you then? Therefore, no inequalities!

Also, no backsliders!
Why? Cause he is also not even worshippig God! He is not walking with God and hates God and therefore, the backslide. He does not have the love for God like how he used to, so wake up! Forget guys like those!

What is true love, then?

Romans 5:8
"But Christ died for us while we were still sinners. In this way, God shows his great love for us."

John 15:13
"There is no greater love than to lay down one's life for one's friend."

People! Can't you see? Christ died for you, me, him, her, she, he, everyone of you guys even while we were yet sinners! Who in the world will die for your friend? Loved ones, still acceptable. But any friend that you know? I don't think so.

- A person who loves God has a different view on the world. He has the same heartbeat as God. If a person love God, he will love the word of God.

Also, Proverbs 10:12
"Hatred stirreth up strifes: but love covereth all sins."

1st Corinthians 13:8
"Love never fails."

Love. This word is so great and powerful. It's just a simple word but yet, people can go to great heights and lengths for love.But ultimately, no one can beat God's love towards us.

Well. I'm gonna enjoy the remaining of my youth to the fullest, and keep relationship related stuffs aside, so that I'll not get distracted! Lord will provide with what I need, so all I need to do, is just place my faith and trust in Him! :D

All time favourite verse, Psalms 37:4
"Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you your heart's desires."

This verse encourages me! Just put God's will fo rme first, and He will eventually give me my heart's desires. Cool max!

Hope you guys learnt something as well. :)

My prayer : I thank God for the priviledge to be saved. That I am saved through His grace and mercy. That I am chosen. Lord, continue to guide me. Thanks for reassuring my salvation, for dying for me on that cross!