Tuesday, October 27, 2009


So far, I've took my English and Maths written paper. I'M SO NOT SATISFIED WITH MY ENGLISH! As for my maths, I reap what I sow yeah? I've decided to retake my O's. I'm confident that I'll score better next year. But still, waste of time.

Aye, after my O's, I can officially play hard already! Even though I'd played hard before my O's too. ERHEM, anyway. I still have not buy my prom dress! As well as practice Superhuman with Asyraf! Stressstressstress. LOL, I stress for the wrong things eh. Never set my priorities right.

Hmm, worries aside, I want to thank Mr.Hoo and Mr.Fahmy here :D
They're great teachers and they took time out and revised, especially for me! So cool eh.


Furthermore, I want to thank Mr.Fahmy even more for being my personal chaffuer(sp?) for almost a week! We've been meeting up since last Tuesday for English and he drove me home everytime. Yes, and I sat his car for like, six days straight! How awesome is that! It's so cool talking to him. And I got so used to him to the extend of blasting my ammonia cannons in front of him while he enjoyed my high class green tea flavoured Gua Zi. HAHAHAHAH! Thanks for the free meals kay! I'll treat you after O's. Deal! :D

As for Mr.Hoo. If I could just pass my maths, he's treating me to Sushi Tei! LOL, I've never eaten Sushi Tei before. HAHAH, moutain tortoise. But I doubt I'll pass my maths anyway. But still, thanks for teaching and believing me! :D

Life's currently not going very smoothly. My eyes had been raining cats and dogs almost everyday and it's so irritating! Pffft. VESTER! Where had your $2.50 shoulders gone to?!

Yawns. Hopefully, I can sort things out right as soon as possible. If only I could find the answer.


Life's a game but it's not fair.