Sunday, September 13, 2009


Yes, I know that this is the third post for today, but this is just extremely cute! My baby sister, Xinyi was out shopping with dad and stepmum. And when she came home, she suddenly became hyper and kuey-sio with Jiahui and I. Pure random.

There, disturbing Jiahui's sleep and hugging her like some koala bear.

And then Jiahui wrapped her up like a baby. CUTE.

She also demanded playing Round-And-Round with me. Round-And-Round is a game whereby I will swing her in circles then she'll be some sort of flying in mid-air.

Here's a video to give you guys an idea what R.A.R is about.

Anyway, have you guys ever felt tired after hours of chiong mugging? After playing a tough game of basketball, or perhaps after working five hours straight for a project that you have to hand up tomorrow?

Well, look no further! Here's the perfect massage for you!

For further enquiries, please feel free to call Masseuse Xinyi @ 1900-112-6868.

Yeah, see! She's waiting for business...

...and when you call her up, she'll be too excited, looking like this, pleased to serve you!