Thursday, September 24, 2009

Motivation please?!

I really need some, so that I could mug! O's are getting nearer and nearer each day and yet, I've had not revised. Instead, I'm still in the relax mood and is eagerly looking for fun anytime! I just cannot feel the tension of this important exam that will determine my future... Pffft.

Anyway, I want to rant.

They say that you don't really know a person until you interact with them personally. So, who are you to judge people when you don't know them personally in the first place? You said that I mix with bad people nowadays and that I'm becoming worse each day. Yes, it's true that I didn't really study, am late for school everyday, sometimes don't even turn up for school. But isn't that what I am a few months back, even before I knew them?

Yeah, they may seem bad at the first look because they swear and curse like nobody's business, smokes and are always in a big group. But, so? Don't you dare say you won't swear when you stepped on dog's poo (I hope you do) or dropped your handphone. It's like, you don't even know their names and let alone interact with them before, so who are you to judge them, including me?

Damn, I feel like saying it but it's so mean! Nah, Princesses are civilise and they're not mean. So, Princess Dolly will not be mean.

I'm just irritated by why are you gossiping about my friends and I when you, yourself are already having problems and walking the wrong direction of life. Sure, people do gossip. Well, who doesn't? Besides, it's your mouth afterall. But you talk as if you know them very well, condemning them. Wow?

Furthermore, you say this and yet you do that. Weird, seriously...

Whatever! I'm still as satisfied with my life as ever. :D


I didn't see you coming. You took me by surprise and, you stole my heart before I could say no.