Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Mixed feelings.

Was talking to Jiahui on the bus home and we were chatting about alot of things. But one thing that will stuck in my mind for quite a long period of time, or maybe even for my whole life was this thing that she said. She quotes, "We are all made up of the past."

Well, this quote is actually true, isn't it?

And Jiahui then gives me an example like, if her dad didn't sent her in to GH, would she still be so alert and cautious towards the people around her, since she's met most types of people in there? And for my case, cause the past that I'd experienced is somewhat still in kiddy world, resulting in my ignorance, being naiive and too trusting towards everyone, believing everyone is good and not as evil like Cinderella's evil stepmum and stepsisters and Voldemort from Harry potter, or even Transformer's Megatron.

However, as years flew by in just a twinkling of an eye, I've began to see a few different types of people, and I know that there's still a long way and much more for me to see.

Now I know that in this world, after one incident that happened personally, people are not that simple like how they were in the past anymore, and this fact really scares me alot. People I know are slowly changing for the worse. Yes, I know that people do change over time, but they changed to an extend that I don't even know who they are anymore. This fact really sucks, alot.

I'm thankful that Jiahui moved in with us! She made this ignorant frog climb out of that well slowly, let this frog see things at many angles and not just one, which is the people-are-always-good angle. Hahah! So cool.

I'm feeling a bit of stress here, a little irritated there, a tad bit of disheartened on the left, quite peeved on the right, and maybe a little depressed everywhere. It's all mixed up, I think adding everything together, this feeling might be called stirriheavessed. (st-irri-hea-ve-ssed) LOL, cool. I created a new word!

Anyway, I once heard people say that ignorance is a bliss. Nah, I don't think so. Yeah, it had it's pros and cons, but I reckon that the pros of ignorance are lesser than it's cons.

You see, if you're kept in the dark and is clueless about the surrounding environment around you, you're the one at loss, but, the impression you had on people would be the best, the optimistic one. However, if you know everything and is aware that something is wrong with a person, though you will not view them in a positive manner, you're at least able to identify and experience how cunning or evil a friend/person can go. It will definately help you on your way to adulthood, as in the working society, it is completely different from secondary school years, according to my father. Heh.

I wanted to say, but I cannot. I wanted to blog, but I could not. I could only bottle up these feelings and share it only to Jiahui, as she's also involved in this and being the observant and careful girl that she is, she's clever enough to know what is going on.

Pfft, this is so damn irritating!


Yeah, she's seventeen but yet, she'd experience way much more than an average seventeen would. Immature, yes, there are times when she'd behave like a child. But hey, who doesn't have a child-like side? Everyone has two sides, both serious and playful. At the very least, she'd experience much more than you could ever imagine, though your thinkings are more mature than her.


You, yes you. You're hot, then you're cold. You're yes, then you're no. You're in, and you're out. You're up, then you're down.