Friday, August 14, 2009


I got the keyboard back from my sister already! Went her house after school and stayed there till like, 5+. Vanessa and Beishi came along, too. Took picture with my mummy and little baby sister, Veron. We're the Bangz Bangz Family! :D

Bangz Daughter & Bangz Mummy.

CUTE RIGHT?! All straight row one. HAHAHAH.

Zhenwei say Bangz very good. No need bring ruler to school. -.-
Can someone bring me my jacket please?! Hah, he's still as cold as ever.

Eh, anyway, I ate something very good that meltz my heart with each mouth I took. It's called Chocolate Crinkle. NICE!! It has a very chocolatey taste and it's chewy lah! Damn good, serious. Moreover, it's not bought from a store. It's baked by K.O.S.Y, first timer! Cool right, first time bake then can bake till so nice. Eh, cannot praise him already. Later he spread his wings and fly up high.

Speaking of the word, Up, I WANT TO WATCH THE MOVIE, UP. :( And Orphan!! Double :(s.

But needa study.. Or should I watch? One time only, won't die right? :/ AHHH. DILEMMA. Hate exams! Well, who doesn't? Retarded.

LOL, sorry if this is a bit random, but I suddenly realise that I have FIVE combs in my bag!!!


And then while in the cab home with Vanessa and Beishi, I took this retarded picture!

Call me Artistic Low. ;)

Recently has had a super robotic life cycle. It goes like this.

-Alarm clock woke me @ 6am.
-101% late for school.
-Paying attention in classes ;)
-School dismiss.
-Alarm clock woke me @ 6am.
-102% late for school.
-And the cycle goes on and on.

I miss the past. But in the past, I was stupid. At least I'm cleverer now! Okay lah, enough bullshitting already. I just want to compare four pictures. Hahah.

As this is the only long haired bangz picture I have, so had to choose this uh.

Bangz nicer, or...

... Typical slant one?

As for hair tied up..

This, or...

... This?

Ahahah! I realised that with BangzBangz, I always smiled in Dolly wawa face whereas the slant is the normal one. Not bad, good observation skills I have. :)

Okayz, Iz wantz toz goz showerz alreadyz. Byez byez!

Side note : I like this part here by Yellow Card's Only One!

Here I go, so dishonestly.
Leave a note, for you my only one.
And I know, you can see right through me.
So let me go, and you will find someone.

Here I go, scream my lungs out! And try to get to you,
You are my only one..
I let go, there's just no one, no one like you.
You are my only, my only one.