Saturday, May 2, 2009

Hide behind the keyboard some more.

Some people are just too timid to voice out and speak up to the person they hate in real life, I reckon, and hides behind their keyboard cursing and swearing. It's like, what's the use of all these, seriously?

Not happy? Come only. Just talk lah, better than dragging all these conflicts and hate comments in some mini tagboard.

If you don't have the guts to settle things in reality, continue hiding behind your keyboard and I'll show you the L-sign. Thought you're very fierce, violent, will always win in fighting(according to your friend) but it's just the contrast, from what I see.

Keeping these hates, indirectly killing the person and condemning them in your heart really so fun? Not bad, so much energy to criticize, why not spend the time on studying? 8-)


Anyway, to carry on with my topic,

SHE DOES HAVE TRUE FRIENDS. We, ourselves know it can already. :) You can jolly up just shut that mouth of yours up.


my friend was right. Why do I even bother about you, this hide behind the keyboard irritant? Unless I'm on par with you, being some low down people? Maybe it's cause you said she doesn't have any true friends that agitates me? But to think back now, I know, she know, her friends know, is sufficient enough, full stop

This shall be my last post about you, hidebehindthekeyboard-er. I'm not going to bother about you anymore. Grow up and think for your future. I hope you will not continue letting this interfere your results. Hatred in your heart is not a pleasant feeling. You cannot really enjoy happiness. Wow, I'm counselling you?

Hmm, but if you keep holding on to this hatred and don't want to let it go, also a good thing. :) You flunk your O's = less one competitor going poly = higher chance of me going into the course/poly I want! Awesomely wonderful.

By saying all these, I'm telling you, my dear girlfriend as well. But I guess, based on both of your characters, you two will not let this go easily.

Best solution is still showing your faces and talk in reality than spamming some pathetic and innocent tagboard. The tagboard have feelings too okay!

Need a good laugh? Do visit my friend's blog! Damn, she's cute! HAHAH.
Names are not mentioned and so, I won't be labeled as cyber bullying right, J ?

Yummy, I miss Sumo House. That's random! Alright, sorry for not blogging for these few days. Was out studying! 8-) Neeeeeeerd!

Shall update and post up photos soon!