Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Millions sides of stories, so confused.
From this lesson, I've learnt not to trust people that easily.
Also, I'm taught that in every thing, you gain and lose something.
In this case, I lost him but gained in not being so stupid. LOL?
Aye, I'm not a simple amoeba like last time anymore!!

Who should I trust. Here or there.
What should I do. This or that.
Kenna decieved so many times.
It's so irritating when I later found out the truth lah.

How I hope that a smile a day really keeps all worries away!

Cherie, my retarded fling tagged me this quiz.

100 truth

1. Real Name : Low Jia Xin
2. Nickname(s) : Dolly, SillyRetarded, idiot.
3. Age : Fabulous Sixteen.
4. Height : 166cm.
5. Weight : Sensitive question!
6. Spec or contact lens : Contact lens.
7. Horoscope : Aquarius.
8. Male or Female : Isn't it obvious?
9. Tv or Games : Both !
10. Primary School : Canossa Convent.
11. Secondary School : Peicai.
12. Poly or Jc : Poly.
13. University ? : I'm not that clever.
14. Hair colour : Black, dark brown?
15. Long or short hair : Long.
16. Loud or Quiet : Considerably loud.
17. Sweats or Jeans : Jeans.
18. Phone or camera : Phone.
19. Heath Freak : Sometimes.
20. Drink or smoke : None.
21. Have a crush on someone ? : Maybe yes, maybe no?
22. Eat or drink ? : Retarded question.
23. Piercing(s) : Ear.
24. Tattoos : Nope.
25. Social or anti-social : Depends on mood.
26. First Relationship : Primary5, LOLLLLL.
27. First bestfriend : Lim Jo-En.
48. Wealthy or happiness : I want both.
49. Want to get married : Definately!
50. Want kids ? : Absolutely!
51. Careers in mind : Air stewardess. (L)
52. Fight before ? : Almost.
53. Most regret of : Making empty promises.
54. Talented in : Retard-ing.
55. Weak in ? : Sensitive, cry baby.
56. Romantic or spontaneous ? : Don't know.
57. Lips or eye ? : Eye.
58. Nice stomach or nice arms ? : None. :(
59. Shorter ? Taller ? : Taller!
60. Protective or Caring : Both.
61. Hook-up or Relationships : Relationships.
62. Troublemaker or hesistant : See how.
63. Lost glasses or contacts : Yepp.
64. Ran away from home : Nope.
65. Held a gun/knife for self defense : Nah.
66. Killled somebody : In my heart, yes.
67. Broken someone's heart : Yeah.
68. Been arrested : No.
69. Cried when someone died : Grandfather :'(
70. Missed someone alot alot : Yeah.
71. Believe in yourself : Yupp.
72. Miracles : Yeah. Moses parted the Red Sea!
73. Love at first sight : Maybe?
74. Heaven or Hell : Heaven.
75. Santa claus : No -.-
76. Cartoon or anime : Err, anime is made out of cartoon, isn't it?
77. Tooth Fairy : Don't believe lahhhhhh.
78. Kiss in the first date : Eh, no.
79. Afraid of death : Not really.
80. Handsome or cute : Both.
81. Pretty or cute : Both.
82. Reality or dream : Dream! Reality is cruel.
83. Is there a person you want to be with now ? : He's attached. :)
84. Are you seriously happy with where you're in life now ? : Alright uh.
85. Do you believe in fate ? : No. Everything is planned by God.
87. Do you believe in God ? : Yeah!
88. How often do you lie ? : Rarely. I dislike liars.
89. Do you respect elders ? : Not those irritating aunties.
90. Are you a good kid ? : I think so.
91. Do you like your family ? : (L)
92. Do you like your friends ? : Yes!
93. Are you greedy ? : Maybe ?
94. What do you want now ? : NUM Bagpack & Gucci wallet!!!!
95. What will you wish for ? : More people to get saved. LOL, ironic :/
96. A truth to first person ? : I don't
97. A truth to second person ? : get what
98. A truth to third person ? : it means.
99. Do you even trust yourself ? : Duh.
100. Post as 100 truth and tag 10 people

Whoever that wants to do, do uh.
Yawns, tired.