Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Cup Noodles!

Today was fabulously awesome! I did the coolest thing in my seondary school life today!-eating cup noodles in class with girlfriend. HAHAHAHAAA. Basically, we just bought our favourite flavoured cup noodle and went down to Stall 5's auntie to buy three mugs of hot water, costing us twenty cents each. The hot water is for the cup noodle, of course.

So Nyssa and I were looking cute, carrying mugs on our hands and went up to our class. She also took a spoon and a fork from a random stall for her food! Haha, funny girl. People were giving that kind of "crazy, take mugs want go where?!" looks. Think we're mad and not worth it? Think again. Life is boring without any risk taking. I bet that when we grow up and think about this incident, it'll be interesting okay. Stop saying we're retards and attention seeking, you're just plain jealous. :) HAHAHAAA!

Well, Joey was jealous. When we were both happily slurping away the heavenly noodles little by little, Joey was complaining on how she regretted on not bringing cup noodles as she finds it troublesome and shameful to prepare it. TEEHEEE.

Tomorrow, there'll be another cup noodle session again, only with more people this time. Friends like Vanessa, Joey and more will be joining us as it's really cool. Woah woah woah woah, cup noodles is the trend now, i guess? LOL.

Alright, picture time! :)

Nyssa's : Koka's soup, tomyum flavoured.(left)
Mine : Cup noodles' soup, tomyum flavoured.(right)

Nyssa's Candid 1.

Nyssa's Candid 2.

Nyssa's Candid 3.

My cute cup noodle! :D

The pictures took on the day my bag was stolen...

Canny... Ong Bei Shi!

Joey... Tan Zu Er!

Me, Myself and I.
