Thursday, January 29, 2009


This year's celebration was kinda sucky. Even though getting angbaos and opening the seal, slowly slipping in my little delicate fingers to feel the fresh and crispy notes were thrilling, but still, BORING! Korkor not there ): He went to work instead. To add on, he's not been home for three days already! Cause he go mummy's house stay, and yes, my parents divorced like four years ago i guess? My brother and i live with papa while my younger sister, Jiawen lived with mummy.

Korkor will only be home about a week later, after his work ends i suppose. Kinda miss him. But not bad, can sleep his bed. HAHAH :D

Anyway, i love owl!

Haha, i'll get ice cream from him tomorrow after school. THANKS BIRDY. That sounds wrong, lol.

Eh, had detention today. L-A-T-E, eight times. LOL. But it was worth it, i guess. Ms.Ming, the discipline mistress come and "counsel" me, talk this and that. Rethinked her words. Quite right lah, so i'm not going to late again! I think Zhenwei must be smiling to himself, thinking, "Jiaxin won't late? Pigs can fly." right?! HEY HEY, I'm so going to prove you guys wrong!

So after detention, went Braddel play ball abit. Went home and eat dinner with family. Finally, it's been eons since i ate a hearty and talkative dinner with my family. Not bad lah okay.

Mug, mug, mug. I've a target for my O's! 10-15 points. Impossible? I beg to differ. With God, all things are possible! :D Of course, also must mug hard for the glory of God. Hey, next time we grow up, see me in SIA serving you all in the planes alright! I'm pretty sure about being an air stewardess.

Friend say must know 6 languages man! Vanessa and I have plans to learn our first foreign language - French. HAHAHA, not bad right.

Oh yah, before i forget, I WANT THAT LG'S NEW ICE CREAM PHONE, KF350! That phone caught my eye because of the colour, PINK. It's hard to find a pink phone that's good-looking and cool. I think the phone that I've been hunting for is here!

Looks small, but still awesome! The inner part of the phone will be something like this.

Yes, it's a flip phone. It comes with 3 colours as you can see. The pink one is the best, duh! (:

The white colour one caught Nyssa's eye when she was strolling with Zimeng at AMK Hub. She took a brochure and surprised me. Yeah, we have the same taste (: So we'll have the same phone. $338 without plan, abit heart pain, but i think it's worth it.

Alright, it's mugging time! Later cannot be air stewardess :(

P.S : I won't drop my phones in soups and toilet bowls again! Hmpfht.