Sunday, October 26, 2008

Shouliang's chalet.

hmm, he's a guy, so who do you think he is? alright, his chalet was located at Aloha Changi Chalet H, just opposite Old Changi Chalet (OCH). the area was quite isolated and scary as well but the lovely and cheery people brightened up the atmosphere and so, it looked kind of lively. i had an enjoyable and back-to-my-childhood time back at his chalet.

heh, i played with Shouliang's little brothers as well as cousins. they were so so soooo naughty to an extend that one of his cousins beat me :( i guess i was easy to bully eh. played catching with them as one of the bedrooms and the master bedroom was connected by a door, allowing us to run round and round. AND OH, I LOVE SHOUREN. Shouliang's youngest brother!

speaking about Shou ren makes me think of Owl as he adored Shou ren the most among all the other kids, same as me! (psst, great mind thinks alike.) he is like super duper cute with a lovely mushroom hair style and has adorable features on his face, considering the fact that he is small in size which makes the whole idea on him look and he really is cute! Owl played with him by piggy-backing him and made him "fly". i don't know how to describe the flying process but Shouren really did "fly".

ahh, was tired. afterall, i stayed awake for two consequetive days as Meisian's and Shouliang's Chalet was held at 18th and 19th of october, which Meisian's chalet came first. hmm, after all the little kids had went to bed, the "big kor kor-s and jie jie-s" ( i'm included as well.) then BBQed the remaining food and played card games till the wee hours. 3am+ came again.... OH OH. 10 people then made

well, i had a bodyguard with me, obvious! his duty was to protect me at all cost lah. hahahah! i felt some kind of like a royal and important person. anyway, the feeling of climbing up those eerie and steep steps to the entrance of OCH was not as frightening as my trip to red house. weird right? OCH is much much more bigger and scarier than red house lah.

anyway, we just went in and there were shattered glasses everywhere on the floor. i believe that the cause was from the broken windows. anyway, the 10 of us then went up to the second floor by the one and only staircase only. we explored around and somehow, we couldnt find back the staircase where we came up. we got lost for like fifteen minutes until we finally found that narrow and steep staircase and proceeded down to the first floor. the more i walk, the more i got tired and the fear has somehow flew away from my heart. hahahaha, then i treat it as visiting some kind of ancient ruins. pretty interesting lah.

okay, here are some photos here. also got from

outside view of OCH.

i think i walk through this corridor before!
super familiar, the surroundings and features.

for more details about OCH and to see it's clear pictures, visit this link!

it shows us the pictures of mortuary and the torture chamber where people had been dying and wanting to visit! it also clearly explains what tortures were held at the torture chamber and stuffs.
