Saturday, October 25, 2008

meisian's birthday chalet.

Meisian's chalet.

basically, she's the girl on the left. haha, celebrated her birthday by giving her a surprise chalet organised by her girlfriends. well, i was invited! okay, Pasir Ris Chalet H ! i remembered. haha, it was ridiculous and fun as well. some girls went over their limit by drinking excessively and obviously, a handful faces went red and as a result, they got quite drunk which was scary okay. hais, drinking kills brain cells! which makes one person more stupid.

alright, quite a number of people tonned and owl entertained us by teaching us some retarded games and the punishment was to drink a cup filled to the brim of tap water which tasted horrendous enough to make a person puke his or her dinner!

hours flew and it was soon 3am+. the group decided to go to the famous red house which was believed to be haunted. ah well, reached there soon enough and we were standing outside the gate, mostly were afraid. i'm one of those who were scared! hahahaha.

there, a picture of the gate took from hahahaha. but in the end, we never went in as it was really dark that we couldn't even see the house itself. we then decided to go at seven in the morning then, which will not be as scary as it was at 3am.

all the dark clouds and eerie feelings had disappeared by 7, which i then had the adventure mood! i really wanted to explore, HAHAHA. but sadly, when half of the group had succesfully climbed in, a car stopped by for like ten seconds to see our crime as we were trespassing and he moved on. uhm, then those who climbed in, climbed out as it was really a crime to go in. having the thought of police will arrest us, we scrambled back to the chalet.

victoria and i.


this is a retarded photo.
ningmin : act one retarded.
jiaxin : act one cool.
beishi : act one cute.
jacqueline : act one typical ah lian.