Wednesday, September 24, 2008

xue er and i :D camwhores. hahaha! we took loads of pictures

this few days but i dont know how to upload onto computer :(

i didnt went school on monday and thus, ended up making my dad angry that he changed the computer password! uhm, cant blog nowadays le, due to my exams and my father changing the password ._. went to school opn tuesday, pissed nyssa off. eh, dont know what happen between us lah. hopefully not fighting a cold war as we're both not talking to each other!

as for today, i didnt went to school today as well. i dont know what's gotten into me. i decided to home-school today! hahahahaha. anyway, the reason i can blog today is cause my father was 'kind' and let me use the computer for just a little while ._. going to mug later le. UHM..

TODAY WAS TOTALLY COOL! went to mug with xue er at shaw tower's starbucks and saw this hot guy working there. HAHAHAHA. retarded right. i didnt see him fully lah. just found his hair style super nice yeah. and we was like studying outside starbucks, when this guy put a thick file beside our table. of course, he was inside starbucks while we were outside. a transparent glass separated us. aww. HAHAHAHA. so, i learnt Bank Reconciliation Statement -POA- today. glad that i had an awesome teacher(xue er) to teach me! :D

after that, pak cheong came to find us as he was bored. also another retard. come all the way from seng kang to come shaw tower's starbucks ._. wow? studied until 7.30pm and went to eat dinner with pakcheong! xue er went home, she didnt feel like eating :(

therefore, i can conclude that i mugged three and a half hours today! yeah, :D