Monday, September 8, 2008

oh, didnt go to school today! but, i had MC so dont see me as a pon-teng queen anymore, guys! uhm, but i got much better today compared to yesterday. seems like those awful anti-biotics and panadols work eh? haha, so it wasnt SARS afterall :D it was quite silly of me to think of it as SARS. hahaha!

oh, partly was also because of my lovely friends that encouraged me and stood by me. "take care-s and get well soon-s" were words that were soothing and musics to my ears. thanks, lovelyayes! (:

ah well, what i've done for today was nothing surprising as i couldnt move much due to my lousy weak body. dont have the mood to study, so i sat in front of the computer whole day like some no life idiots watching one piece, LOL. eh, but besides that, what could i possibly do? nah, mugging mood is just not there.

hoho, so i think that's all for a boring day like today? heh heh, gotta go shower before my dad come shouting at me. once again, thanks for the encouragement!