Sunday, September 28, 2008


junhao's birthday!
okay, we celebrated junhao's birthday on saturday and it the result of it was fabulous! we went to vivo to watch this NC16 gangster show, just glad that meisian and i was able to sneak in! hoho, then after the movie, went to starbucks, bought our coffee and headed to yanrong's terrace for BBQ! :D

BBQ was.... abit not bonded arh. most went to check out the computer and viewed pretties and handsomes in friendster while the pathetic trios-george, yanrong and me- sacrificed our physical looks and helped in the BBQ process! muahahha, i think my english improved.
ANYWAY. yanrong sucks -.- we bought our food for BBQ during friday, the same day that we bought the birthday present for junhao. HE KEPT... tickling me lah. what the hell. he really sucks man. hahaha.

err, okay back to the story. the computer addicts came down and ate our sumptious food we BBQ-ED. wooohooo. okay, i succesfully roasted my mashmallows!!!!!! i am over the moon man. so practically, after all the eatings, we move on to drinking? err, obviously the girls didnt drink. andy and billy went ABIT drunk. just abit lah okay. yeah, it was scary though. A WISE MAN KNOWS HIS OWN LIMITS. (: yeah, i reckon that junhao was happy on that day.

CABBED HOME! err, with 3 bodyguards, HAHA! and it was yanrong, junhao and george! thanks for sending me home! :D you guys are awesome. okay, gotta go. sorry cant post so often! GRRR, exams.. papa change password. my dad... whatever lah. kay, BYE! (: