Monday, September 21, 2009


Recently, had been going down to Hougang for basketball with many many people. So cool. And I went Hougang again today! But O's round the corner, I don't think I can go down as often as last time already. But with my playful and distracted heart, I always fail to keep what I promised myself. It's so annoying! Pfft..

Wooo, and I think I have a flu coming! It drizzled a little, made my clothes wet a bit. Sat an extremely cold 107M home. And my fan is facing me currently! I still haven't shower. HAHAH! :x

Nothing interesting today. Yeah, so I'm off to watch One Piece! Today got new episode eh. :D Hopefully, I will mug more often, yupp!


Almost given up on trying.
Almost heading for a fall.
And now my mind is screaming out, I gotta keep on fighting.
But then again, it doesn't end.

My mind is asking me to stop, but my heart doesn't want to.