Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Quit the slothfulness!

I've been very very lazy not only recently, but in all of my life! Hahah. I'm lazy to do homework, lazy to revise, lazy to do this, lazy to do that. :/ Hence, I'm becoming fatter and more like a pig!

Blaahhh. However, I was reading the bible the other day and found this verse.

A lazy person is as bad as someone who destroys things. Proverbs 18:9.


If you love to sleep, you will end in poverty. Keep your eyes open, and there will be plenty to eat! Proverbs 20:13.

Sloth! :(

Besides, I've've been sleeping in school for almost everyday!! Especially in maths. I really don't want to fail my O's! So I'm gonna call Mr.Gary Ong my brother recommends for POA remedials.

WOOHOO! I'm gonna study hard for the glory of God! :D Hope laziness won't pull me down and that I'll be able to overcome my slothfulness. Lord, please guide me and help me. Drive lazy away!