Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Hah, i finally post after so long! Hmm, i'm sorry. Work work work -.- quite stupid de lah. I want to rant about my pay! It's so so sooo frustrating. $4.50 per hour. IS THIS HUMAN?! It's just cheap labour mah! Super duper low lah, and i had to work for sixteen consequetive days, dinner not provided, 5.30pm-10.30pm, and had to see the stupid boss' and lady boss' attitudes. PFFFFFT.

Okay, enough for the ranting. I calculated that my cheap labour pay will be $292.50 and i'll use almost half of it to buy a newurbanmale bag to welcome school reopen! Will be buying same bag as her, woohoo! Uhm, as for school shoes, i had enough of wearing $16.90 shoes my grandma bought from the market. LOL, so i must treat myself better after working like a dog! Xue er don't know want buy what leh, see her lor.

AND AND, i'm meeting Nyssa on the sixteen of december! after so long... We finally planned our outing! Bought her christmas present already. Haha, birthday present uh, haven't buy. I can somehow predict that she's going to buy some retarded stuffs for me! Heh heh, January 2nd, Nyssa's birthday uh. First day of school!