Wednesday, September 10, 2008


it's been a super duper long time since i touched the bible and indeed, the dust on it can be a perfect evidence. i dont know what made me to just suddenly grab my bible and read it. 1 John was the book that i stopped reading until. i found my bookmark clipped neatly in between the pages and immediately found a wonderful verse.

"But God is faithful and fair. If we admit that we have sinned, he will forgive us our sins. He will forgive every wrong thing we have done. He will make us pure." 1 John 1:9.

this verse had set my mind replaying every little sins i had done and instead of praying for forgiveness, i neglected God, stopped praying to Him and skipped church. i still remember clearly that when my friends asked, "today never go church?" and my reply was, "oh, i 'forget' to go."

wonderful excuse eh? i feel so weak and so helpless without God. when problems surfaced, i rather take it alone. i'm just like a lost sheep where it could not find it's shepherd. you see, i'm too ashamed to ask God for help. thankfully, this verse had made me feel safe and wonderful. God is and will always be there. he is not far, just a prayer away! :D

i thank God for using this verse to remind me that he is always with me. how great it is that i can now say that i am pure, have not lied and did not cheat in an exam for He has made me pure and has cleansed my sin already! hahaha. (:

so im gonna go back to Him, obeying his words. Lord, please help me. drive Satan and his devils away!